Sacroiliac joint pain is one of the most common reasons why people have reoccurring lower back pain. There are two sacroiliac joints that are located at the belt line on both sides of the spine. Sensitivity over the joint indicates joint irritation. Sacroiliitis by definition is inflammation (itis) of the sacroiliac joint. This is caused by distortion of either muscle imbalance, misalignment of the pelvis, or short leg syndrome. Usually by the time pain is present (because pain is always the last symptom of an underlying dysfunction) patients have all three.
Treatment for sacroiliitis involves reducing the distortion, either structural or muscle. We get best results with this condition combining chiropractic care, interferential therapy, and infrared light therapy. These treatments combine to reduce the stress on the joint and the the muscle overload but do not address the underlying muscle imbalance or lack of function. For this, we turn to neuromuscular reeducation such as the unweighted treadmill, the vibration plate, and the back system.