Individualized Care For Your Specific Needs!

Utilizing an array of state of the art treatment options to optimize results!

Relieving low back pain varies for each individual. What may work for you may not work for someone else. To identify exactly what each patient needs Dr. Janssen performs a detailed exam. He utilizes the exam information, any imaging necessary, and his 40 years of experience to determine the specific plan for treatment.

For over 40 years, I have helped thousands of Tampa Bay residents get relief and resolve their lower back pain. In the United States, low back pain is a $5 billion a year problem. Once the disease process is ruled out (liver disease, kidney disease, bladder infections, etc) lower back pain is a functional issue. The lower back and the pelvis are not working correctly. Usually by the time I see patients they have muscle imbalance and some type of distortion in the framework of their body. This is usually the “underlining dysfunction.” The initial goal of treating the lower back is to reduce/eliminate the pain. However, if we fail to address the “underlining dysfunction” there is a high likelihood the issue/symptoms will come back. The next goal is to then address the “underlining dysfunction” through the multiple tools we have available in our office. Each individual is on a personal treatment plan based on specific needs.

We provide treatment utilizing “state of the art” chiropractic techniques and rehabilitation therapy. Never in the history of chiropractic care have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that is available today. Many of the newest chiropractic techniques are actually safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. I have years of training, expertise and experience in helping patients get pain relief for low back pain utilizing these techniques.

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